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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 8 of 8
  石野, 一晴 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 1-36
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  佐川, 英治 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 37-64
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  木下, 鐵矢 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 65-98
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  私市, 正年 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 179-150
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<Translated Article> A Re-examination of the Recruiting System in "Military Provinces" in the Late Tang--Focusing on the Composition of Personnel in Ancillary Posts in Huainan and Zhexi
  WATANABE, Takashi; CHOO, Jessey J. C. (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 252-180
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<書評> 福井重雅著『漢代儒教の史的研究--儒教の官學化をめぐる定説の再檢討』
  冨谷, 至 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 99-106
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<書評> 余新忠著『清代江南的瘟疫與社會--一項醫療社會史的研究』
  帆刈, 浩之 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 107-114
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<紹介> 榮新江・張志清主編『從撒馬爾干到長安--粟特人在中國的文化遺迹』
  辻, 正博 (2005-06)
  東洋史研究, 64(1): 115-119
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 8 of 8