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タイトル: ナーラーヤナ・ティールタ・アーラーダナーの成立と変遷 - フィールドからの報告 -
その他のタイトル: A Study on the formation and the transition of the Narayana Tīrtha Āradhana - Reports from the Field -
著者: 小尾, 淳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OBI, Jun
発行日: Mar-2011
出版者: NIHU Program Contemporary India Area Studies (INDAS)
誌名: INDAS Working Papers
巻: 5
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 27
抄録: This paper focuses on the formation and the transition of the Narayana Tīrtha Āradhana (NTA) in Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu. In recent years, the aradhana with music concerts which worship saint composers such as Thyagaraja are held not only in South India but even in South Indian community abroad. I treat those as a kind of social phenomena here (aradhana phenomena). Though Narayana Tīrtha holds a prominent position in some traditional performing arts in South India, his works have been less acknowledged in Carnatic music concerts than those of other composers. Besides, the NTA has a shorter history than other aradhanas. It can be said that NTA is located on the margin of aradhana phenomena. Even with the above disadvantages and controversial points, the organizer Venkatesan, to some extent, has succeeded in establishing the public images of NTA in Carnatic music society recently. How did he carry it out? To answer this question, the paper gives first a detailed description of the history of the NTA and then takes the present situation of it into consideration.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/141858
出現コレクション:INDAS Working Papers


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