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Title: School Libraries as the “Third Place”
Authors: KUNO, Kazuko
Author's alias: クノ, カズオ
Keywords: School libraries
Third place
Ray Oldenburg
Robert D. Putnam
Social capital
Issue Date: Nov-2011
Publisher: Lifelong Education and Libraries, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
Journal title: Lifelong education and libraries
Volume: 11
Start page: 109
End page: 118
Abstract: American Sociologist Ray Oldenburg emphasized the importance of informal public gathering places as he named the "third place" where people can enjoy good company and conversation. According to Oldenburg, The "third place" is necessary and important for the community and individuals because it encourages many social and personal benefits. Recently, many researchers of library science have paid great attention to the topic or the framework of "the library as place, " and some of them have deliberately tried to examine the role and significance of libraries as the "third place" for serving the communities. This paper investigates how successful school libraries may serve as the "third place" for students and faculties as well as how libraries support and enrich their school life holistically.
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