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タイトル: 南宋大軍兵士の給與錢米について : 生券・熟券問題と關連して
その他のタイトル: On the Wages Paid in Money and Rice to the Soldiers of the Ta-chün 大軍 in the Southern Sung 南宋 : The Problem of sheng-ch'ien 生券 and shu-ch'ien 熟券
著者: 小岩井, 弘光  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Koiwai, Hiromitsu
発行日: 31-Mar-1977
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 35
号: 4
開始ページ: 651
終了ページ: 681
抄録: The Ta-chun was the locus of armed military strength for the maintenance of the Southern Sung government. This essay will investigate the wages paid to the soldiers in the Ta-chun and will attempt to advance our understanding of the Ta-chun. First, in the analysis of wages, we shall be looking at such issues as the following : (a) the standard for the wage was made up of a basic wage and an incremental one ; (b) a daily wage was the norm ;(c) the amount of the wage was generally in excess of that paid to soldiers of other divisions of the armed forces ; and (d) during military campaigns, the incremental wage was paid and there were changes in its size. Secondly, in connection with this incremental wage, we shall investigate the sheng-ch'ien and the shu-ch'ien based on the work of Professor Abe Takeo 安部健夫, and we shall be looking at such issues as the following : (a)the sheng-ch'ien was related to the incremental wage paid during military campaigns, and the basic wage was paid separately to one's family ; and (b) in order to make reductions in incremental wages during military campaigns there was an arrangement to convert fighting soldiers into billeted soldiers and the shu-ch'ie was related to wages paid to billeted soldiers. We shall also present a view of the sheng-ch'ien and shu-ch'ien soldiers. In sum we can say that the Southern Sung government was able to resist the onslaught from the north for over a century because of the existence of the Ta-chun.
DOI: 10.14989/153643
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/153643


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