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タイトル: Semipolar {n[n¯]01} InGaN/GaN ridge quantum wells (n = 1−3) fabricated by a regrowth technique
著者: Funato, Mitsuru  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5455-3757 (unconfirmed)
Kotani, Teruhisa
Kondou, Takeshi
Kawakami, Yoichi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3752-1507 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 船戸, 充
キーワード: excitons
gallium compounds
III-V semiconductors
indium compounds
radiative lifetimes
semiconductor growth
semiconductor quantum wells
time resolved spectra
vapour phase epitaxial growth
wide band gap semiconductors
発行日: Apr-2012
出版者: American Institute of Physics
誌名: Applied Physics Letters
巻: 100
号: 16
論文番号: 162107
抄録: Semipolar {n[n¯]01} InGaN/GaN quantum wells (QWs) (n = 1−3) are fabricated on top of GaN microstructures, which consist of semipolar {1Ī01} facets. Semipolar planes are obtained via regrowth of three-dimensional structures on (0001) GaN templates under controlled growth conditions. Compared to QWs on {1Ī01} facets, {n[n¯]01} ridge QWs show an intense emission at ∼ 440 nm. Time resolved photoluminescence reveals that the radiative lifetime of excitons in {n[n¯]01} InGaN ridge QWs at 13 K is 310 ps, which is comparable to that in {1Ī01} QWs. The estimated internal quantum efficiency at room temperature is as high as 57%.
著作権等: © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/155465
DOI(出版社版): 10.1063/1.4704779


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