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タイトル: Difference in fine specificity to polysaccharides of Candida albicans mannoprotein between mouse SIGNR1 and human DC-SIGN.
著者: Takahara, Kazuhiko  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4730-8187 (unconfirmed)
Arita, Takuya
Tokieda, Sumika
Shibata, Nobuyuki
Okawa, Yoshio
Tateno, Hiroaki
Hirabayashi, Jun
Inaba, Kayo  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: 稲葉, カヨ
発行日: May-2012
出版者: American Society for Microbiology
誌名: Infection and immunity
巻: 80
号: 5
開始ページ: 1699
終了ページ: 1706
抄録: C-type lectin SIGNR1 directly recognizes Candida albicans and zymosan and has been considered to share properties of polysaccharide recognition with human DC-SIGN (hDC-SIGN). However, the precise specificity of SIGNR1 and the difference from that of hDC-SIGN remain to be elucidated. We prepared soluble forms of SIGNR1 and hDC-SIGN and conducted experiments to examine their respective specificities. Soluble SIGNR1 (sSIGNR1) bound several types of live C. albicans clinical isolate strains in an EDTA-sensitive manner. Inhibition analyses of sSIGNR1 binding by glycans from various yeast strains demonstrated that SIGNR1 preferentially recognizes N-glycan α-mannose side chains in Candida mannoproteins, as reported in hDC-SIGN. Unlike shDC-SIGN, however, sSIGNR1 recognized not only Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but also C. albicans J-1012 glycan, even after α-mannosidase treatment that leaves only β1, 2-mannose-capped α-mannose side chains. In addition, glycomicroarray analyses showed that sSIGNR1 binds mannans from C. albicans and S. cerevisiae but does not recognize Lewis(a/b/x/y) antigen polysaccharides as in shDC-SIGN. Consistent with these results, RAW264.7 cells expressing hDC-SIGN in which the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) was replaced with that of SIGNR1 (RAW-chimera) produced comparable amounts of interleukin 10 (IL-10) in response to glycans from C. albicans and S. cerevisiae, but those expressing hDC-SIGN produced less IL-10 in response to S. cerevisiae than C. albicans. Furthermore, RAW-hDC-SIGN cells remarkably reduced IL-10 production after α-mannosidase treatment compared with RAW-chimera cells. These results indicate that SIGNR1 recognizes C. albicans/yeast through a specificity partly distinct from that of its homologue hDC-SIGN.
著作権等: © 2012, American Society for Microbiology.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/156138
DOI(出版社版): 10.1128/IAI.06308-11
PubMed ID: 22331432


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