
第38巻III   13

文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 13 / 13
  防虫科学, 38(3)
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Development of Sterility Through Pupal Treatments in Musca domestica nebulo Fabr
  ANSARI, Musharraf A. (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 125-129
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Permanency of Sterility Effects of Chemosterilants in Musea domestica nebulo Fabr
  ANSARI, Musharraf A. (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 129-135
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Induction of Sexual Sterility in Indian Housefly, Musea dometica nebulo Fabr
  ANSARI, Musharraf A. (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 135-143
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Resistance Spectrum of Alkylating and Non-Alkylating Compounds in Musca domestica nebulo Fabr
  ANSARI, Musharraf A. (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 143-146
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<書評>生態系と農薬/ 湯島健, 桐谷圭治, 金沢純 著
  斎藤, 哲夫 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 146-146
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  玉木, 佳男; 野口, 浩; 湯嶋, 健 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 147-150
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Mechanism of Dicofol Resistance in Spider Mites II: Thin Layer Chromatographic Identification of Dicofol Metabolites in Citrus Red Mite, Panonychus citri McGREGOR
  TABATA, Katsuhiro; SAITO, Tetsuo (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 151-155
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  林, 晃史; 長谷川, 恩 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 155-157
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  林, 晃史 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 158-164
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  北村, 実彬 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 164-164
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  大東, 肇; 三井, 哲夫 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 165-180
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  西村, 勁一郎 (1973-08-31)
  防虫科学, 38(3): 180-180
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文献一覧(目次の昇順ソート): 1 - 13 / 13