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タイトル: Formation of an unusually short hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein.
著者: Saito, Keisuke
Ishikita, Hiroshi
著者名の別形: 石北, 央
キーワード: Low-barrier hydrogen bond
Proton transfer
Photoactive yellow protein
Laue diffraction crystallography
[1]H NMR
発行日: 29-Nov-2012
誌名: Biochimica et biophysica acta
巻: 1827
号: 3
開始ページ: 387
終了ページ: 394
抄録: The photoactive chromophore of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is p-coumaric acid (pCA). In the ground state, the pCA chromophore exists as a phenolate anion, which is H-bonded by protonated Glu46 (O(Glu46)-O(pCA)=~2.6Å) and protonated Tyr42. On the other hand, the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) H-bond was unusually short (O(Glu46)-O(pCA)=2.47Å) in the intermediate pR(CW) state observed in time-resolved Laue diffraction studies. To understand how the existence of the unusually short H-bond is energetically possible, we analyzed the H-bond energetics adopting a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach based on the atomic coordinates of the PYP crystal structures. In QM/MM calculations, the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) bond is 2.60Å in the ground state, where Tyr42 donates an H-bond to pCA. In contrast, when the hydroxyl group of Tyr42 is flipped away from pCA, the H-bond was significantly shortened to 2.49Å in the ground state. The same H-bond pattern reproduced the unusually short H-bond in the pR(CW) structure (O(Glu46)-O(pCA)=2.49Å). Intriguingly, the potential-energy profile resembles that of a single-well H-bond, suggesting that the pK(a) values of the donor (Glu46) and acceptor (pCA) moieties are nearly equal. The present results indicate that the "equal pK(a)" requirement for formation of single-well or low-barrier H-bond (LBHB) is satisfied only when Tyr42 does not donate an H-bond to pCA, and argue against the possibility that the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) bond is an LBHB in the ground state, where Tyr42 donates an H-bond to pCA.
著作権等: © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/169709
DOI(出版社版): 10.1016/j.bbabio.2012.11.009
PubMed ID: 23201477


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