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タイトル: 東部ヒマラヤにおける土地開発史
その他のタイトル: Historical Land Development in Eastern Himalaya
著者: 宮本, 真二  KAKEN_name
安藤, 和雄  KAKEN_id
バガバティ, アバニィ クマール  KAKEN_name
デカ, ニッタノンダ  KAKEN_name
リバ, トモ  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Miyamoto, Shinji
Ando, Kazuo
Bhagabati, Abani Kumar
Deka, Nityananda
Riba, Tomo
キーワード: 東部ヒマラヤ
Assam Himalaya
Agricultural Land Development
Radiocarbon Age
Buried Humic Soil Layers
Chrcoal Fragments
発行日: 20-Mar-2013
出版者: 京都大学ヒマラヤ研究会・京都大学ブータン友好プログラム・人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所「高所プロジェクト」
誌名: ヒマラヤ学誌
巻: 14
開始ページ: 82
終了ページ: 90
抄録: Mountain environmental changes caused by human impacts in the Himalayas have caught the attention of conservationist, scientists, and administrators within the last 30 years. Particularly in eastern Nepal (Solu-Khumbu area), it has often been stated that deforestation (forest destruction by human impact with fire) has accelerated during the latter half of 20th century because of population growth. In this study, dated charcoal and buried humic soil layers (including humus materials), both of which are evidence of forest fires indicate past deforestation and agricultural land development by tribal migration around Eastern Himalayas (Eastern Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh, north-eastern India). Around the eastern Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh area, human impacts such as population growth by tribal migration may have accelerated environmental and agricultural changes after ca. 2 ka BP, mainly. Relatively intense agricultural land formation that occurred since ca. 1 ka BP (mainly after ca. 0.5 ka BP) was due to tribal migration.
DOI: 10.14989/HSM.14.82
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/186151


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