


検索結果表示: 11-20 / 278.
  Murakami, Yusuke (2008-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.5 : Tendencias políticas actuales en los países andinos, 5
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The Baweans of Ho Chi Minh City
  STOKHOF, Malte (2008-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.3 : Islam at the Margins: The Muslims of Indochina, 3: 34-58
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The Chams and the Malay World
  NISHIO, Kanji (2008-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.3 : Islam at the Margins: The Muslims of Indochina, 3: 86-93
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  FAROUK, OMAR (2008-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.3 : Islam at the Margins: The Muslims of Indochina, 3: 5-6
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<Chapter 2> Optimizing forest government and governance in Europe: Defining forest policy with national tradition or European Union "modernization"
  Krott, Max (2009-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.8 : Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere, 8: 13-24
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<Chapter 5> Bridging a divide? Local initiatives in a multi-level policy context
  Buizer, I.M. (Marleen) (2009-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.8 : Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere, 8: 41-48
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<Chapter 3> New agendas, old habits in Amazonian forest policies
  De Jong, Wil (2009-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.8 : Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere, 8: 25-34
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マレーシア外交にみられる公正/正義概念の展開 --基本文書・演説・データの分析からの予備的考察
  川端, 隆史 (2010-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.10 : マレー世界における公正/正義概念の展開, 10: 32-40
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序「カラム」の時代 --マレー・イスラム世界の「近代」、1950-1969年
  山本, 博之 (2010-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.13 :「カラム」の時代 マレー・イスラム世界の「近代」, 13: 4-9
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競争社会での居場所探しとしてのシンガポール映画 --アーベンと「兄弟」の物語
  篠崎, 香織 (2016-03)
  CIAS discussion paper No.60 : たたかうヒロイン--混成アジア映画研究2015, 60: 74-87
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