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タイトル: Autistic empathy toward autistic others.
著者: Komeda, Hidetsugu  KAKEN_id
Kosaka, Hirotaka
Saito, Daisuke N
Mano, Yoko
Jung, Minyoung
Fujii, Takeshi
Yanaka, Hisakazu T
Munesue, Toshio
Ishitobi, Makoto
Sato, Makoto
Okazawa, Hidehiko
著者名の別形: 米田, 英嗣
小坂, 浩隆
齋藤, 大輔
間野, 陽子
藤井, 猛
谷中, 久和
棟居, 俊夫
石飛, 信
佐藤, 真
岡沢, 秀彦
キーワード: autism spectrum disorder
ventromedial prefrontal cortex
発行日: 20-Oct-2014
出版者: Oxford University Press
誌名: Social cognitive and affective neuroscience
巻: 10
号: 2
開始ページ: 145
終了ページ: 152
抄録: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are thought to lack self-awareness and to experience difficulty empathising with others. Although these deficits have been demonstrated in previous studies, most of the target stimuli were constructed for typically developing (TD) individuals. We employed judgment tasks capable of indexing self-relevant processing in individuals with and without ASD. Fourteen Japanese males and one Japanese female with high-functioning ASD (17-41 years of age) and 13 Japanese males and two TD Japanese females ( 22-40 years of age), all of whom were matched for age and full and verbal intelligence quotient scores with the ASD participants, were enrolled in this study. The results demonstrated that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex was significantly activated in individuals with ASD in response to autistic characters and in TD individuals in response to non-autistic characters. Whereas the frontal-posterior network between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and superior temporal gyrus participated in the processing of non-autistic characters in TD individuals, an alternative network was involved when individuals with ASD processed autistic characters. This suggests an atypical form of empathy in individuals with ASD toward others with ASD.
記述: 自閉スペクトラム症がある方々による、自閉スペクトラム症がある方々に対する共感. 京都大学プレスリリーズ. 2014-11-06.
著作権等: © The Author (2014). Published by Oxford University Press.
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/191091
DOI(出版社版): 10.1093/scan/nsu126
PubMed ID: 25332405
関連リンク: http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research/research_results/2014/141105_2.html


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