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タイトル: 地域の特用林産物を利用した地場産業の振興 : 奄美群島における大島紬と染色原料シャリンバイの生産を事例として
その他のタイトル: The development of local industries utilizing minor forest products : A case study on the Oshima-tsumugi pongee industry and the production of its dyestuff Syarinbai (Raphiolepis umbellata) in the Amami Islands
著者: 和田, 全弘  KAKEN_name
竹田, 晋也  KAKEN_name
渡辺, 弘之  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Wada, Zenko
Takeda, Shinya
Watanabe, Hiroyuki
発行日: 24-Dec-1993
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 65
開始ページ: 238
終了ページ: 250
抄録: 奄美群島における大島紬とその染色原料シャリンバイの生産を事例として, その歴史的変遷, 及び地場産業の振興とそれに伴う特用林産物生産のあり方について考察した。大島紬は, その商品化とともに, 文化伝統の異なる本土市場の嗜好に応え, 様々な草木染からシャリンバイ泥染へと染色技術を特化させ, 様々に生産技術をも変化させてきた。これによって, 島民に非常に大きな利益がもたらされたものの, 近年は本土市場の嗜好の変化によって生産の急減を招いている。染色原料は, シャリンバイの単一大量生産となり, 奄美群島の林産物生産のかなりの割合を占め, 大規模な造林が行われるまでになった。しかし, 大島紬生産急減に伴う造林シャリンバイの用途喪失の危惧, また地域の特性と単一樹種造林実施の間の矛盾といった問題が生じた。地場産業の振興において, 地域住民の生活の安定のためには, 域外市場のみに依存するのではなく, 一方で持続的嗜好の期待される地元の嗜好を考慮することも必要である。それに結びつく林産物生産には, 地場産業の長期的な盛衰を考慮した用途により確実性ある造林計画, また地域の自然や伝統的林業活動の特性を考慮した造林法が検討されねばならない。
The objectives of this study are : (1) to clarify the clarify the history and socio-economics of the production of Oshima-tsumugi pongee as a local industry and Syarinbai (Raphiolepis umbellata), its dyestuff ; and (2) to examine the problems regarding them. Oshima-tsumugi is one kind of splashed-pattern silk fabric. In the Amami Islands, where Oshima-tsumugi originated, Syarinbai and mud have been used to make a black dye, with about 22.5kg of Syarinbai required for a roll of cloth. Up to now, the supply of Syarinbai has been plentiful. In response to consumer preferences in mainland Japan, the traditional dyeing method which used various plants was simplified to only one dyeing method with Syarinbai and mud. Technical skills have also changed. Though these changes have greatly benefitted the Amami people, recently, a rapid decrease in Oshima-tsumugi production has come about in response to the changing tastes of the mass market. Meanwhile, Oshima-tsumugi fabric, which had changed in ways unfavourable to the local Amami people, is now being left behind by both the mass and local markets. With simplification of the dyeing method, the number of dyestuffs was reduced to a single plant species, and Syarinbai has been planted in large-scale monoculture forests. At present, the planted area is nearly 1, 500ha. Now, with the rapid decrease in Oshima-tsumugi production, the large-scale Syarinbai plantations are unneeded. Moreover, many other political and technical problems have arisen in the practice of reforestation. These factors suggest the followings : (1) To respond only to the tastes of the mass market doesn't necessarily contribute to the stability of the local peoples' lives. To consider the tastes of the local market, which can be expected to be more stable, in addition to the tastes of the mass market, would be more beneficial over the long term. (2) The production of minor forest products which are controlled by local industry is also unstable. If large-scale reforestation is done, several problems may result from misunderstanding the local natural environment and socio-economics. These including oversupply, technical problems, and the contradiction between reforestation and traditional forestry should be seriously considered.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/192041


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