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タイトル: 京都の町家の外観における木格子とそのイメージ
その他のタイトル: Psychological Images and Existing Rates of Wooden Grilles in Exterior of MACHIYA or Traditional Town-Houses in Kyoto
著者: 増田, 稔  KAKEN_name
山本, 留美子  KAKEN_name
佐道, 健  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Masuda, Minoru
Yamamoto, Rumiko
Sadoh, Takeshi
発行日: 30-Nov-1994
出版者: 京都大学農学部附属演習林
誌名: 京都大学農学部演習林報告
巻: 66
開始ページ: 143
終了ページ: 153
抄録: 祇園祭りの山鉾で知られるいわゆる鉾町地域を対象に, 伝統的な木格子がどの程度残っているかを調査した。ビル化など建て替えが進み, 切り子格子や千本格子, 仕舞多犀 (しもたや) 格子といった伝統的な京町家の木格子は少なくなっており, 木格子の多く残っている通りで14% (軒数比), 少ない通りで3%, 平均すると10軒に1軒もない状況にある。格子や窓周りの外観及び一階全面の外観のイメージ調査を写真を用いて行い, その結果, 伝統的木格子は「京都らしい」イメージを強く与えること, また, アルミなどの金属製の格子では, たとえ色彩がダークブラウンであっても「京都らしさ」のイメージは非常に低いこと等が明らかとなった。
Machiya or traditional town-houses with wooden grilles were gradually diminished in Kyoto. In this study the number of Machiya remained in Hoko-machi region was investigated, which is famous for the owner region of Hoko or decorated floats of Gion Festival. Outside views of houses on the twelve streets in Hoko-machi region (eight streets run through from east to west and four streets run through from south to north) were investigated, and counted up the number of traditional Machiya wooden houses and also the types of the traditional wooden grilles remained. In Hoko-machi, traditional Machiya houses with wooden grilles were remained in three to fourteen percent of whole houses on the streets. In general, the wider the street is, or the stronger the commercial activity is, the fewer the traditional Machiya houses remains. To make it clear the effect of the wooden grilles on the psychological image of houses, questionnaires using photos of various outside views of houses were distributed. The result was that metal grilles do not give "Kyoto-like" image, even if color of the surface was dark brown. This result suggests that texture of wood is essential for "Kyoto-like" or traditional image. To keep "Kyoto-like" image on the streets in Kyoto, a public body should support the inhabitants of Machiya to bear extra economical pressure for maintaining the wooden grilles.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/192061


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