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Title: <センター教員・共同研究者論考>プレFDを通じた大学教員になるための意識の変化と能力の獲得―京都大学文学研究科プレFDプロジェクトを対象に―
Other Titles: <Articles by Center Staff and Research Fellows>The Change of Consciousness and the Acquisition of Abilities to Become an Academic Through the Preparing Future Faculty Program: A Case Study on the Preparing Future Faculty Program at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
Authors: 田中, 一孝  KAKEN_name
畑野, 快  KAKEN_name
田口, 真奈  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
Author's alias: Tanaka, Ikko
Hatano, Kai
Taguchi, Mana
Keywords: プレFD
プレFD の効果検証
preparing future faculty program
faculty development
evaluation of preparing future faculty program
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2014
Publisher: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
Journal title: 京都大学高等教育研究
Volume: 20
Start page: 81
End page: 88
Abstract: In Japan, preparing future faculty (PFF) programs are offered mainly in graduate schools. Recently, they have becomeeven more diverse, depending on their aims, the participants’ educational/academic status (e.g. graduate students, unemployed Ph.D. holders, or postdoctorates), and the implementation period. Although the degree of PFF participant’ssatisfaction has been reported by some institutions offering such programs, the effects of PFF programs are not sufficientlyverified. Through a PPF program, this study aims to investigate how PFF participants would change their consciousnessabout teaching, and what abilities and knowledge they would acquire.The survey was conducted in the graduate school of letters, Kyoto University, exploiting a sample of 53 alumni enrolledas part-time lecturers in the PFF program. The researchers collected 149 descriptions from the sample. These descriptionsoffered evidence of change in participants’ consciousness about teaching and the acquisition of teaching abilities. Using acategorical data analysis, the researchers established the first four categories: development of teaching abilities, acquisitionof knowledge, increased in awareness as teachers, and improvement as researchers. Several other subcategories were alsoestablished in the study, showing that PFF programs affect not only on PFF participants’ practical teaching skills, but alsoon their research abilities and the ability to cope with teaching-induced anxiety. Additionally, the researchers discovered thatthe subcategories indicating PFF participants acquire higher education-related knowledge are so elementary that they areexpected to acquire such knowledge at the earliest stages. Unlike faculty development programs, PFF programs are not yetsystemized and schematized, but they are often offered rather fragmentarily in many Japanese universities. The categoriesderived in this study will serve as a framework to reconstruct the existing PFF programs and to design a new one.
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