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タイトル: A Synthetic Transcriptional Activator of Genes Associated with the Retina in Human Dermal Fibroblasts.
著者: Syed, Junetha
Chandran, Anandhakumar
Pandian, Ganesh N
Taniguchi, Junichi
Sato, Shinsuke
Hashiya, Kaori
Kashiwazaki, Gengo
Bando, Toshikazu  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
Sugiyama, Hiroshi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8923-5946 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 杉山, 弘
キーワード: artificial transcription activators
DNA recognition
gene expression
histone acetylation
transcription profiling
発行日: 28-May-2015
出版者: wiley
誌名: Chembiochem
巻: 16
号: 10
開始ページ: 1497
終了ページ: 1501
抄録: Small molecules capable of modulating epigenetic signatures can activate the transcription of tissue-restricted genes in a totally unrelated cell type and have potential use in epigenetic therapy. To provide an example for an initial approach, we report here on one synthetic small-molecule compound-termed "SAHA-PIP X"-from our library of conjugates. This compound triggered histone acetylation accompanied by the transcription of retinal-tissue-related genes in human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs).
著作権等: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Syed, J., Chandran, A., Pandian, G. N., Taniguchi, J., Sato, S., Hashiya, K., Kashiwazaki, G., Bando, T. and Sugiyama, H. (2015), A Synthetic Transcriptional Activator of Genes Associated with the Retina in Human Dermal Fibroblasts. ChemBioChem, 16: 1497–1501, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201500140. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 28 May 2016 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/201619
DOI(出版社版): 10.1002/cbic.201500140
PubMed ID: 25900774


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