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Title: 代数幾何学 : 初学者のために
Authors: 広中, 平祐  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: Hironaka, Heisuke
Issue Date: Nov-1977
Publisher: 数理解析レクチャー・ノート刊行会
Journal title: 数理解析レクチャー・ノート
Volume: 3
Start page: 1
End page: 186
Table of contents: Introduction [1]
Chapter1.1 Projective spacesI [5]
Chapter1.2 Projective transformations [13]
Chapter1.3 Polynomial mapsI [22]
Chapter1.4 Algebraic sets [24]
Chapter1.5 Zariski topology [30]
Chapter1.6 Rational maps [44]
Chapter1.7 Polynomial mapsII [53]
Chapter1.8 Integral dependence [55]
Chapter1.9 Universally closedmaps [68]
Chapter1.10 Projective spacesII [80]
Chapter2.1 Sheavesとcohomology [93]
Chapter2.2 Schemes [121]
Chapter2.3 Cohomology Cechcohomology [130]
Chapter2.4 CoherentsheavesとQuasicoherentsheaves [148]
Chapter2.5 Spectral sequences [159]
Chapter2.6 SpectralsequencesのapplicationI [165]
Chapter2.7 SpectralsequencesのapplicationII [178]
Bibliography [186]
Description: 広中平祐講
Appears in Collections:数理解析レクチャー・ノート

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