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タイトル: Effective field theory of broken spatial diffeomorphisms
著者: Lin, Chunshan
Labun, Lance Z.
キーワード: Classical Theories of Gravity
Effective field theories
発行日: Mar-2016
出版者: Springer Verlag
誌名: Journal of High Energy Physics
巻: 2016
論文番号: 128
抄録: We study the low energy effective theory describing gravity with broken spatial diffeomorphism invariance. In the unitary gauge, the Goldstone bosons associated with broken diffeomorphisms are eaten and the graviton becomes a massive spin-2 particle with 5 well-behaved degrees of freedom. In this gauge, the most general theory is built with the lowest dimension operators invariant under only temporal diffeomorphisms. Imposing the additional shift and SO(3) internal symmetries, we analyze the perturbations on a FRW background. At linear perturbation level, the observables of this theory are characterized by five parameters, including the usual cosmological parameters and one additional coupling constant for the symmetry-breaking scalars. In the de Sitter and Minkowski limit, the three Goldstone bosons are supermassive and can be integrated out, leaving two massive tensor modes as the only propagating degrees of freedom. We discuss several examples relevant to theories of massive gravity.
著作権等: © 2016, The Author(s).
JHEP is an open-access journal funded by SCOAP3 and licensed under CC BY 4.0
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/218567
DOI(出版社版): 10.1007/JHEP03(2016)128


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