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<Articles>No Room to Swing a Cat? Animal Treatment and Urban Space in Singapore
  Chan, Ying-kit (2016-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 5(2): 305-329
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<Articles>The Emergence of Heritage Conservation in Singapore and the Preservation of Monuments Board (1958-76)
  Blackburn, Kevin; Alvin, Tan Peng Hong (2015-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 4(2): 341-364
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<Special Focus>The Role of Singapore in the Growth of Intra-Southeast Asian Trade, c.1820s–1852
  KOBAYASHI, Atsushi (2013-12)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 2(3): 443-474
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<Articles>Semi-archives and Interim Archives: A History of the National Wages Council in Singapore
  Loh, Kah Seng; Goh, Jeremy (2022-12)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 11(3): 427-449
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<Articles>English as an Islamic Cosmopolitan Vernacular: English-Language Sufi Devotional Literature in Singapore
  Lin, Hongxuan (2017-12)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 6(3): 447-484
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Singapore's Prescription for Successful Control of Transnational Emerging Infectious Diseases
  Yoshikawa, Minako Jen (2012-08)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 1(2): 301-331
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<Articles>Citizens at the End of Empire: Navigating Loyalty and Citizenship in Late Colonial Singapore
  Solomon, John (2023-12)
  Southeast Asian Studies, 12(3): 429-462
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華僑送金の広域間接続関係 : シンガポール・香港・珠江デルタを例に
  久末, 亮一 (2006-09-30)
  東南アジア研究, 44(2): 204-222
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イギリス帝国治安維持システムとコミンテルン・ネットワーク: ルフラン事件(1931)を事例として
  鬼丸, 武士 (2005-12-31)
  東南アジア研究, 43(3): 303-318
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  鍋倉, 聰 (2007-09-30)
  東南アジア研究, 45(2): 211-228
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