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タイトル: <高等教育の動向>学びと成長を見据えた高大接続・高大連携--アクティブラーニングでつなぐ、つながる--
その他のタイトル: <Trends of Higher Education (Invited Papers)>The Educational Transition from High School to University in the Learning and Development Paradigm: "Connecting and Connected" by Active Learning
著者: 川妻, 篤史  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KAWATSUMA, Atsushi
キーワード: アクティブラーニング
Active learning
Three components of academic ability
Learning of application II
発行日: 1-Dec-2016
出版者: 京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター
誌名: 京都大学高等教育研究
巻: 22
開始ページ: 127
終了ページ: 137
抄録: 「教育ノ場所」と「学問ノ場所」という形で分断されてきた高校と大学が、アクティブラーニングでつながりはじめた。桐蔭学園高校は、アクティブラーニング型授業を導入し、学力の三要素をバランスよく育成することを目指している。そのなかで研究・研修を進めてきたのが活用Ⅱ型の学習だ。研究・研修を重ねるなかで、活用Ⅱ型学習を授業にとり入れるには大学の学問研究につながる知的探究が求められるとわかってきた。「高校に『学問』を、大学に『教育』を」をスローガンに高大接続・高大連携を進めるべきだろう。高大接続の問題を考える上で無視できないのが、大学入試だ。大学入試改革が高校教育改革と軌を一にしたものにならなければ、高大「断絶」の現状が変わることはないだろう。アクティブラーニング型授業導入のなかで、進度の問題、評価の問題などいくつかの課題が見えてきた。大学教育関係者、高校教育関係者、文部科学省関係者が連携し合いながら課題解決に取り組んでいくことが不可欠だ。アクティブラーニングでつなぐ、つながる。学びと成長を見据えたトランジションリレーの取り組みは、いま始まったばかりである。
The tranditional separation of high school, a "place of education, " and university, a "place of study and research, " is no longer valid: the two have recently begun to be increasingly interconnected. Toin Gakuen High School has launched an educational reform focused on active-learning based instruction (AL based instruction), aiming to develop students' three components of academic ability: gakuryoku no sanyoso. As part of their reform, the school gradually recognized that learning through application II would develop students' intellectual inquiry, connecting to study and research skills needed at university level. It may be necessary to re-associate the term "study and research" with high school, and "education" with university, in order to advance the educational transition between high school and university. In reality, however, university entrance exams need to be closely observed, given their strong influence on high school education. It is hoped that reforms to university entrance exams will be consistent with educational reform in high school. In the near future, Toin Gakuen will need to resolve problems such as progress and assessment of class work in the AL-based instruction, collaborating with higher education, high school education, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology. The struggle to navigate the educational transition between high school and university—extending to the transition from school environment to adult work/social life—is beginning to be facilitated through "connecting and connected" active learning in the learning and development paradigm.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/219539


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