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タイトル: Deformation behavior of a magnesium alloy sheet with random crystallographic orientations under various loading paths
著者: Hama, Takayuki
Mayama, Tsuyoshi
Takuda, Hirohiko
著者名の別形: 濵, 孝之
宅田, 裕彦
キーワード: cast magnesium alloy
crystal plasticity finite-element method
yield locus
contour of plastic work.
発行日: Aug-2015
出版者: Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
誌名: Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences-Applied Mechanics
巻: 60
号: 1-2
開始ページ: 24
終了ページ: 38
抄録: This paper reports deformation behavior under various loading paths at room temperature of a magnesium alloy sheet with random crystallographic orientations both experimentally and numerically. The flow stress under uniaxial tension was larger than that of uniaxial compression. When the sheet was subjected to reverse loading, a slightly sigmoidal curve occurred under compression followed by tension, whereas it did not occur under tension followed by compression. These results demonstrated that the sample showed a tension-compression asymmetry and a strain-path dependency as in the case of rolled Magnesium alloy sheets with strong basal texture. Results of crystal plasticity finite-element simulation depicted that these characteristics occurred because of a tension-compression asymmetry in twinning activity even in the sheet with random crystallographic orientations. These results exhibited that a tension-compression asymmetry and a strain-path dependency were inevitable in the deformation of magnesium alloys at room temperature irrespective of initial textures. An evolution of contour of plastic work was also investigated numerically to support this conclusion.
著作権等: This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/225065
関連リンク: http://rjts-am.utcluj.ro/journal/rev2015-1-2/RJTS-AM_2015_60_1-2_a2_Hama.pdf


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