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タイトル: 日本の就学前教育における幼児期運動指針に関する一考察 -アメリカにおけるHighScope Preschool Curriculumを参考に-
その他のタイトル: A Study of Preschool Exercise Guideline in Japan: Referring to HighScope Preschool Curriculum in America
著者: 菅谷, 尚平  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUGAYA, Shohei
発行日: 31-Mar-2017
出版者: 京都大学教育行政学研究室
誌名: 教育行財政論叢
巻: 14
開始ページ: 41
終了ページ: 53
抄録: These days, the decrease of Physical Strength (PS) is a big issue, especially in school days. People say it is important for preschool children to do much exercises. In 2012, the Ministry of Education published ‘Preschool Exercise Guideline' (Guideline), which explained the importance of exercise and some examples in preschool. The purpose of this paper is to study Guideline and to find the problem. In this paper, we refer to ‘HighScope Preschool Curriculum' (Curriculum) in America, which is based on results of Perry Preschool Program. We confirmed the contents of Guideline, and found that there are four characteristics. And, we examine Perry Preschool Program and Curriculum. We found also four characteristics. We found two characteristics are similar that of Guideline and other two are different from Guideline's. We concluded that Guideline should include some standards about PS and much more examples a lot of adults can practice.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/228113


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