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タイトル: 愛の概念を支える放射状カテゴリーと概念比喩:実験認知言語学的アプローチ
著者: 楠見, 孝  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7968-2304 (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: Kusumi, Takashi
キーワード: メタファー
conceptual metaphor
radiational category
cognitive psychology
発行日: 11-Sep-2015
出版者: 開拓社
誌名: 認知言語学研究
巻: 1
開始ページ: 80
終了ページ: 98
抄録: 本稿では, 認知言語学における諸概念を実験的, 計量的に検討する手法として実験認知言語学的アプローチを提起した。研究1では, 概念地図法を用いて, [愛]の概念の放射状カテゴリーを明らかにした。研究2では, 比喩生成法, および恋愛規範と恋愛経験の評定法に基づいて, 比喩生成が恋愛経験や恋愛規範の影響を受けることを明らかにし, 「愛」の概念比喩について検討した。
This paper applies an experimental cognitive linguistic approach to the study of language-driven human cognition, focusing on the radial categories of love and conceptual metaphors for love. Experiment 1 introduces the use of conceptual maps as a tool to investigate the radiational structure of love. One hundred fourteen Japanese undergraduates drew a conceptual map of love. The results show that the radial structure of love can be divided into several main categories: (a) a central category of romantic love, (b) familial love, (c) marital love, (d) friendship, and (e) love of God, etc. In Experiment 2, one hundred thirty-four Japanese undergraduates generated three metaphors of love and explained their grounds for the metaphors. They also rated their experience and their agreement with six social norms of romantic love (e.g., bisexual, two-timing, illicit love, crazy love). The results show that the contents of the love metaphors that the participants generated were affected by the participants’ experiences and social norms of love. For example, the low experience group generated LOVE IS DISAPPEARING/FRAGILE metaphors (e.g., phantom, wind). The strong social norm group generated LOVE IS CHAIN metaphors (e.g., shackles). Finally, the paper discusses the relationship between the contents of the love metaphors and high vs. low experience/strong vs. weak social norm of love in culture and society, referring to our data and data from North America. It concludes by discussing the possibility of using the experimental cognitive linguistic approach with the collaboration of cognitive linguists (forming hypotheses and designing materials for the experiment), cognitive psychologists (conducting experiments and doing quantitative data analysis), and computer researchers (conducting computer simulations and building models). This approach can be used to examine the psychological reality of cognitive linguistic models and to refine and develop the models for theory and application.
著作権等: © 2015 年 日本認知言語学会 (Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/228167


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