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タイトル: 農地改革と税制改革が農家経済に与えた影響について:―「農業経営並農家経済調査集計カード」に基づく山形県を事例として―
その他のタイトル: The Effect on the Family Farm Economy of an Agrarian Reform and a Tax Reform: A Case Study of Yamagata Prefecture
著者: 岸, 郁也  KAKEN_name
古塚, 秀夫  KAKEN_name
仙田, 徹志  KAKEN_id
浅見, 淳之  KAKEN_name
森, 佳子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kishi, Fumiya
Furutsuka, Hideo
Senda, Tetsuji
Asami, Atsuyuki
Mori, Yoshiko
キーワード: 農家経済
発行日: 2015
出版者: 地域農林経済学会
誌名: 農林業問題研究
巻: 51
号: 3
開始ページ: 209
終了ページ: 214
抄録: This study examines the effect on the family farm economy of an agrarian reform and a tax reform. For this purpose, we study five farmers in the Yamagata prefecture for the period 1942 to 1948. Our findings are as follows. First, the fund circulation is sound, largely during the war and post-war periods. Second, the investment and capital required by a tenant farmer are large because of the agrarian reform and the increase in the sale of farm produce. Third, income expenditures are large because of the tax reform.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/232607
DOI(出版社版): 10.7310/arfe.51.209


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