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タイトル: <論説>立券荘号の成立
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Formation of Rikken Shogo 立券荘号
著者: 佐藤, 泰弘  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SATO, Yasuhiro
発行日: 1-Sep-1993
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 76
号: 5
開始ページ: 633
終了ページ: 672
抄録: 本稿では、立券の語義の変遷を八世紀から一三世紀まで跡付け、土地所有形態の変遷と荘園制の成立について論じた。 第一、八世紀〜九世紀後半。土地を売買する際には官司(国司・郡司など) の認可を得ることが必要であった。立券は官司が認可を与えた売買契約文書を作ることを意味した。売買契約文書は土地を売却する者が官司に立券を申請するという書式を取っている。しかし実際は土地を買得する者が立券のために活動した。 第二,九世紀末~一一世紀末。売買の際に官司の認可を得ることは行われなくなる。それとともに立券は、売買・譲与などで新しく土地を取得した者が郡司・刀禰の認可を得る手続きを意味するようになる。在地しない貴族等が土地を取得した時、所有権の保証を得て土地経営を安定化するために、郡司・.刀禰に取得したことを通告した。所有者の代りにその庇護者が立券に介入することもあった。また、土地に課される税の免除を求めるなどの特別な事情がある場合(特に荘園の場合) は国司を介して郡司に通告された。 第三、一一世紀末~一三世紀中期っ立券は荘園を設立する手続きを意味するようになる。立券の主体は郡司.・刀禰から官使.院使や在庁官人へ移る。立券の具体的作業は、(1)土地調査である検注や、(2)荘園の境界に膀示と呼ばれる木製の標識を立てることが行われた。一二世紀中期までは(1)に重点が置かれ、それ以後は(2)が重視された。天皇・院の認可を得ていることが荘園の要件になり、荘園は統治組織として公的地位を得るようになる。こうして荘園制が完成する。その後、一三世紀中期以降になると立券は行われなくなり、荘園制は新しい段階へと移行する。
In this article, the author traces the changing meaning of rikken 立券 from the 8th to the 13th centuries and considers changes in the possession of estates and the formation of the shoen 荘園 system. The first period was from the 8th century to the latter half of the 9th century. Those who dealt in estates had to obtain the sanction from the provincial administrators called kokushi 国司 and gunzi 郡司. Rikken meant that the officers gave their sanction to the sale of estates and drew up their contract notes. It prescribed that the seller should petition rikken, but actually the buyer requested it. The second period was from the end of the 9th century to end of the 11th century. At that time, the officers ceased to sanction dealings in real estate. Instead, rikken came to mean the necessary procedure for those who aquired estates for the first time by purchase or transfers to gain the sanction of a gunzi or a tone 刀禰, a man of high repute in the village. When nobles and Buddhist priests living in the country aquired estates far from their home, they informed a gunzi or a tone of their aquisition to gain a guarantee of their holdings and to make secure their management of their lands. On the other hand, ordinary people's right of estates possession was recognized in day-to-day social relations, and so they did not go through these procedures except in unusual cases. Interceding for estate owners, some guardians ordered rikken procedures, and gunzi were told to take rikken procedures by a kokushi when the owner had some special reason, for example, if he asked for the right of exemption from taxes put on his estate, especially in his shoen. Their exclusive right of exemption from taxes was examined every time a kokushi was relieved, at which time it was necessary that they had taken rikken procedure. The third period was from the end of the 11th century to the middle of the 13th century. Rikken at that time meant the procedure taken when people set up their shoen. It was not a gunzi or a tone but messengers of an emperor or retired emperor and local officials who were local men of stading that gave their sanction, and shoen began to recieve official recognition as a government. There were two concrete operations of rikken. One was the investigation of lands, called kenchu 検注, and the other was to erect wooden landmarks called boji 牓示 on the border line of shoen. The former was important untill the middle of the 13th century and afterwards the latter was given more emphasis. But in the middle of the 13th century, rikken came to an end. The definition of shoen had changed, and it became necessary to obtain an emperor's or retired emperor's sanction Additionally, shoen organization began to take the place of the local administrative organization, kokuga 国衙. When they set up shoen, the owners did not send their own messengers, instead those of an emperor or retired emperor went to the spot and went through rikken procedures with local officers. The emperors decided the territory of shoen and gave many kinds of special rights ; problems within the shoen were left to the owner. The shoen system was established in this way, and after the middle of the 13th century, it entered a new stage.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_76_633
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239239


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