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タイトル: <論説>南アフリカ連邦結成と「和解」の創出
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Unification of South Africa and the Invention of "Reconciliation"
著者: 堀内, 隆行  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HORIUCHI, Takayuki
発行日: 1-May-2002
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 85
号: 3
開始ページ: 283
終了ページ: 314
抄録: 一九〇二年、第二次南ア戦争が終結すると、ケープ、トランスヴァール等の諸地域間では政治統合の気運が高まり、一九一〇年、南ア連邦が成立した。本稿は、連邦成立を白人間の文化統合と把握し、白人間の「和解」を基調とする国民国家創出、白人の「白人化」、白人開拓者の政治文化、という三つの視座を導入する。先行研究の関心は、連邦結成論の起源であるトランスヴァールに偏ってきた。しかし、短期間で連邦結成が実現した理由は、イギリス系とオランダ系(アフリカーナと自称) の「協力の歴史」が存在したケープに求めるべきである。当地が提唱する「和解」は、とくに一大「国民」運動としての「連邦結成運動」と、同運動の機関誌『ステイト』誌とを通して、南ア全域に拡大した。ここに確立した表象は、一九九四年まで白人国家として存立することとなる南ア国家においても、文化統合の基本装置となっていく。
In the aftermath of the Second South African War of 1899-1902, the British colonies of Cape, Natal, Transvaal and Orange created the Union of South Africa in 1910. This act of union served as a means of cultural integration among white South Africans, which also led to the invention of the notion of reconciliation, the nation state, the whiteness and the political culture of colonists. Of the four colonies, historical researches, both liberal and neo-Marxian, have centered on Transvaal, where the notion of unification originated. Nevertheless, in Transvaal, the post-war Anglicization policy of the British Empire enhanced Afrikaner nationalism, and made the notion of reconciliation impossible there, as well as in the jingoistic Natal province, and the Orange province, an origin of Afrikaner nationalism. By contrast, a strong sense of provincial identity was deeply rooted in Cape, and no idea of unification emerged from there. Cape had, however, a history of alliance with the English and the Dutch, which was consolidated in the nineteenth century by Cecil John Rhodes, the prime minister of this colony, and George McCall Theal, the colonial historiographer. This unusual background caused Cape to originate the notion of reconciliation. The "Closer Union Movement" in the unification era made these ideals of reconciliation accessible to the other regions. The State, the only journal circulated throughout ail of South Africa, advocated cultural integration among white colonists by inventing collective memories. This journal not only emphasized historical articles about the colonists' voyages from Europe to Africa, Cape Dutch architecture, Rhodes' "from Cape to Cairo" policy, Afrikaners' Great Trek and native Africans, but also excluded conflicts such as the South African war. This journal also established British "Imperial mind" which became the bedrock of colonial nationalism. Such representations of reconciliation were continued by the white South African state until the end of apartheid of 1994.
記述: 個人情報保護のため削除部分あり
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_85_283
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239693


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