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タイトル: <論説>イングランド国教会における教会観の変化 一八八九―一九二四年 : キリスト教社会連合とウィリアム・テンプル
その他のタイトル: <Articles>Shifts in Thinking within the Church of England, 1889-1924 : The Christian Social Union and Wrilliam Temple
著者: 井上, 治  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: INOUE, Osamu
発行日: 1-Sep-2004
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 87
号: 5
開始ページ: 642
終了ページ: 675
抄録: 一九世紀後半、イングランド国教会はその存在価値を厳しく問われていた。この問いに対して国教会の聖職者が出したひとつの答えは「キリスト教社会主義」であった。教会の社会問題に対する積極的介入を主張するこの理念は、二〇世紀を迎える頃には国教会内に多くの支持者を得ていたが、その活動母体となる国教会のあるべき姿をめぐっては様々なヴィジョンが提示され、論争を巻き起こした。特に当時のキリスト教社会主義運動の中心的組織であった「キリスト教社会連合」の指導者達が抱いていた凝縮的な教会観と、その後継者であるテンプルが主張していた拡散的な教会観との対立は、双方の神学的・哲学的背景の相違もあり根深いものになっていた。その教会観の相違は一九一九年の授権法の策定過程において顕在化する。そして、この授権法によって採用されたテンプル的な教会観は、一九二四年のCOPEC会議で再確認され、戦間期以降のキリスト教社会主義運動に大きな影響を与えてゆくことになる。
In the 19th century, with secularism, rationalism and liberalism gaining momentum, the Church of England was losing its grip on society as the Established Church. From the end of the century, the importance of the state on society became increasingly clear. 'Christian Socialism' was one of the answers that priests of the Church of England advocated in the crises over the continued existence of the Church as the Established Church. By the beginning of the 20th century, the idea that the Church should intervene in social problems, especially economic injustice, gained much support among priests of the Church. One of the most divisive topics, however, was how the Church should be restructured. Diverse visions arose from among the priesthood and these provoked disputes. The leaders of the Christian Social Union, which was the main body promoting Christian Socialism, had a rather rigid vision of the Church and hoped to prescribe membership of the Church strictly and exclusively. On the other hand, William Temple, who was also a Christian Socialist and thus an intimate of the CSU leaders, had a more inclusive vision of the Church. He envisaged a National Church with a broader membership. Theological and philosophical backgrounds intensified the differences between those with their two visions of the Church. Their differences became clearer in the process of creating the 1919 Enabling Act, especially in the dispute over the franchise for the newly established Church Assembly, which would determine the scope of Church membership. In the establishment of the Enabling Act, Temple's vision was adopted. This vision of the new Church, reconfirmed at the COPEC (Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship) of 1924, imparted a vital influence on Christian Socialism and the Ecumenical Movement in the inter-war period.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_87_642
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239817


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