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タイトル: <論説>近世京都大名火消の基礎的考察
その他のタイトル: <Articles>A Basic Analysis of Kyoto Daimyo Hikeshi in the Edo Period
著者: 藤本, 仁文  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUJIMOTO, Hitofumi
発行日: 1-Mar-2005
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 88
号: 2
開始ページ: 198
終了ページ: 232
抄録: 本稿は、元禄三(一六九〇) 年成立の京都大名火消の分析を通して、畿内近国地域の大名が当該地域の支配に果たした役割を明らかにするものである。本制度の実際の活動は京都所司代らの指揮下に入るものの、任命等の制度的手続きは、江戸において将軍・老中によってなされた。担当する大名に関しては、享保七(一七二二) 年以前は外様大名を含めて構成されていたが、以降は周辺の譜代大名のみが担当することになる。それは、譜代四藩のうち在国二藩が半年間ずつ交替で京詰の月番を勤め、また、当番・非番にかかわらず、京都が大火であれば各城下から火消部隊が出動するというものであった。この大名火消制度は軍役であり、火消のみならず、特に禁裏の軍事防衛という性格を有していた。また、本制度の改変は、当該期に展開された上方支配機構の制度改革の一環であり、民政同様、軍政面においても直轄化・制度化が図られたのである。
In this study I have attempted to clarify the role of the Kyoto Daimyo Hikeshi 京都大名火消 (feudal lords charged with suppressing fries in Kyoto), especially the Kyoto Hlikeshi Yaku 京都火消役 after the seventh year of Kyoho 享保(1722), when four domains closely linked to the Shogunate 譜代藩, the Zeze 膳所, Kameyama 亀山, Yodo 淀, and Koriyama 郡山, were charged with this duty. Although previous studies have clarified its role in part, much remains to be elucidated. Through this analysis, I have both clarified the consciousness of the daimyo of the Kinai region and nearby provinces 畿内近国 toward their role and the establishment of this system as a part of this attitude, and have seen it as one aspect characteristic of the systematic reformation of the government system in the Kamigata 上方 area during the period from the Genroku 元禄 to the Kyoho era. In sections I and II, I have focused on the relationship between the Hikeshi yaku and the Shogun 将軍 and Roju 老中 and clarified the place of this system within the bakuhan taisei 幕藩体制, the system of rule by the Shogun and feudal domains. First, powers of appointment and exemption were exercised through roju hosho 老中奉書 or roju kakitsuke 老中書付, a document which conveyed the will of the Shogun, who controlled this authority. Furthermore, two of the four domains that served as Kyoto Hikeshi yaku were also paired for service in the sankin kotai 参勤交代 by roju hosho. At the same time, other matters in the system beyond appointments and dismissals and the sankin kokai were the exclusive jurisdiction of the Roju. In section lll, I have described concretely the activities of the Tsukiban月番, (those charged on a monthly basis). First, their duty was to defend the palace, Gosho 御所, and Nijo Castle 二条城, and two to three hundred men were assigned to the task. Domains served one-month terms alternately during a six-month tour of duty. If a domain could not serve, another domain would serve on a temporary basis. The Takatsuki 高槻 and Sasayama 篠山 domains were added as alternates to the system in the Kyoho and the Anei 安永period respectively, In section 4, I have described the relationship of the Hikeshi yaku to the offices of Kyoto Shoshidai 京都所司代, Kyoto Machi Bugyo 京都町奉行, Kamigata Metsuke 上方目付, and Kinritsuki 禁裏附. The Shoshidai had the highest-level of・responsibility, but the Machi Bugyo and Kinrituki also had the right to command the Hikeshi yaku. It was the Kyoto Rusui 京都留守居that served as a connecting point, conveying the intentions of these Bakufu 幕府 officials to the domains but also holding meetings to express the domains' wishes to the Shoshidai, and it also took on the burden of systematizing this role. In secton 5, I have described how fire fighters would go out from their Joka 城下 station when a big fire occurred in Kyoto. They would go into action from Joka whether it was their duty month or not if a big fire had arisen. For this reason, in addition to the retainers of the domain, the general populace of the domain had to pay attention to Kyoto at all times. In the largest cases, 30 horsemen and 700 people were mobilized from each domain, so that approximately 150 horsemen and 3500 people assembled in Kyoto under the system. Moreover, this mobilization was determined by the judgment of domains themselves because the system was based on the appointment power of the Shogun. The chief duty of the Kyoto Daimyo Hikeshi, which was systematically organized in the aforementioned manner, was to fight fires, but it was also a military organization that operated in emergencies, which often included military tensions. It has been a common claim that the size of permanent, military forces stationed in Kyoto was extremely small, and the capital has been called a "demilitarized city, " but this situation was a result of the fact that a system to defend Kyoto by nearby domains that were closely associated with the Shogunate had been instituted. Furthermore, it can be seen that direct control and systematization of the military administration of the Kamigata region by the Shogunate progressed in the period from the Genroku through the Kyoho era, so the relative autonomy of the military administration in the early Edo period was greatly diminished and the system was incorporated as a part of the disposition of forces of the bakuhansei kokka 幕藩制国家, a nation state ruled by in the bakuhan taisei.
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_88_198
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/239842


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