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タイトル: <研究ノート>中世「名を籠める」文書論 : 宝珠院現蔵文書のなかの籠名札・調伏札の紹介
その他のタイトル: <Notes>Research on the Medieval Documents concerning the Act of "Confining a Name" (Na o Komeru)
著者: 萩原, 大輔  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HAGIHARA, Daisuke
発行日: 30-Nov-2010
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 93
号: 6
開始ページ: 814
終了ページ: 836
抄録: Although religious violence was a characteristic of medieval Buddhism, the amount of research devoted to the topic has been rather sparse despite recognition of its importance. This study attempts to clarify the special character of religious violence in the temples of medieval Yamato by preparing a printed text of a portion of a group of extant documents o Hoshu-in 宝珠院 (Items 27-46 bundled together in Box 7). The nineteen items on 22 sheets of paper are a group of paper slips that were produced to appeal to Shukngoshin (Sk. Vajrapani) of Hokkedo at Todaiji for religious sanctions against those who had committed some sort of transgression. The sheets can be divided into three types: type A that have no indication of either the date or issuer; type B that are dated but the issuer is not recorded; and type C that have both the date and issuer recorded. In temple society of medieval of Yamato, "confining a name" (romyo 籠名) and cursing (juso 呪咀 or chobuku 調伏) were thought to have been completely different types of religious sanctions, but in each type of sanction was accompanied by the act of "confining a name". Types A and B can be described as a "name-confinement slip" 籠名札 and type C as a "curse slip" 調伏札. The monks of the Hokkedo at Todaiji would write the name of the object of the sanctions (creating s name-confinement slip) on a rectangular slip of paper 10 centimeters square, place it "in confinement" before Shukongoshin, and then receive the determination that the named parties were enemies of the temple (implementing the name confinement). If the required actions were not carried out within the fixed period of "name confinement", a new curse slip would be created and it would be "confined" before the deity and the more severe sanction of a curse would be applied. Cursing of a name was a common practice in medieval Buddhism, but the special characteristic of medieval Yamato temples was the existence of the sanction of "confining a name" that guaranteed the lifting of the determination of one being an enemy of the temple by removing the name, as the first stage of religious violence, and furthermore this sanction can be clearly located Within the reform of the system of "temple law".
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_93_814
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/240152


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