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タイトル: Markov-like generalized inverse systems and their limits (Research Trends on Set-theoretic and Geometric Topology and their cooperation with various branches)
著者: Imamura, Hayato
著者名の別形: 今村, 隼人
発行日: Apr-2018
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2064
開始ページ: 90
終了ページ: 100
抄録: Markov interval maps were introduced by S. Holte [5] in 2002 and she showed that any two inverse limits with Markov interval bonding maps with the same pattern were homeomorphic. In 2013 I. Banič and T. Lunder [1] extended the notation from continuous maps to set-valued functions, called generalized Markov interval functions, and applied the theory of generalized inverse limits with set-valued functions. In this note we introduce Markov-like functions as a generalization of generalized Markov interval functions and show that any two generalized inverse limits with Markov-like bonding functions having same pattern are homeomorphic. Consequently we can give a generalization of [1].
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/241896
出現コレクション:2064 集合論的・幾何学的トポロジーの動向と諸分野との連携


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