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Title: Defining Hibakusha in Postwar Japan: The Boundaries of Medicine and the Law
Authors: Loh, Shi Lin
Keywords: Hibakusha
Issue Date: Mar-2019
Publisher: Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University
Journal title: ZINBUN
Volume: 49
Start page: 81
End page: 92
Abstract: This brief essay concerns the history of the relationship between hibakusha, medical science, and the law in Japan. First, I give an overview of the context that led to the original 1957 law, and outline the lawsuits and points of contention it produced. I then examine the origins of medical science which formed the basis of the lawsuits, and conclude with some thoughts on the significance of these issues.
Description: Special Topic 1: The A-bomb and Medical History
Rights: © Copyright March 2019, Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University.
DOI: 10.14989/244049
Appears in Collections:No.49

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