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タイトル: Evolution of Accounting Standards, Why and How? : An Institutional Perspective
著者: Fujii, Hideki
著者名の別形: 藤井, 秀樹
発行日: 15-Nov-2019
記述: This paper is a revised edition of Chapter 7 of 'Accounting in the Era of Institutional Change', 2007, Chuokeizai Publisher (in Japanese), and “An Institutional Theory Perspective on Accounting Evolution: Rulemakers’ Belief and Empirical Evidence, ” in D. Bensadon and N. Praquin (eds.), IFRS in a Global Wold: International and Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2016, Springer, pp.41-56. It contains a lot of additional analyses and discussions on the original.
本編は、藤井秀樹『制度変化の会計学 : 会計基準のコンバージェンスを見すえて』第7章 (中央経済社, 2007) および Hideki Fujii “An Institutional Theory Perspective on Accounting Evolution: Rulemakers’ Belief and Empirical Evidence, ” in D. Bensadon and N. Praquin (eds.), IFRS in a Global Wold: International and Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2016, Springer, pp.41-56 に加筆訂正を加えた改訂版である。
著作権等: Publishers of original version permitted to deposit this paper on this repository.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/245399


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