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タイトル: On the effects of spatial expansion and contraction on several semilinear partial differential equations (Nonlinear Wave and Dispersive Equations)
著者: Nakamura, Makoto
著者名の別形: 中村, 誠
発行日: Nov-2018
出版者: 京都大学数理解析研究所
誌名: 数理解析研究所講究録
巻: 2093
開始ページ: 27
終了ページ: 37
抄録: The derivation of several second order partial differential equations is considered based on the scalar-field equation and its non-relativistic limit in the uniform and isotropic space. The field equation is derived as the Euler-Lagrange equation for a Lagrangian given in the spacetime which is a solution of the Einstein equation for non-Hermitian line elements. Some results on the Cauchy problem of the limit equation are introduced. The derivation of some equations for vectors and their energy estimates are also introduced. A dissipative property of the spatial expansion is remarked.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/251671
出現コレクション:2093 非線形波動・分散型方程式


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