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タイトル: <Chapter 1> Transboundary Environmental Pollution and Cooperation between Japan and China: A Historical Review
著者: MORI, Akihisa
HAYASHI, Tadashi
著者名の別形: 森, 晶寿
キーワード: Environmental cooperation
発行日: Sep-2020
開始ページ: Ch1-1
終了ページ: Ch1-19
抄録: This chapter makes a history review on disparity in concerns and cooperation for transboundary environmental pollution between China and Japan. China has placed high priority on economic growth and energy security, but the structural problems of a heavy reliance on coal, inefficient energy production and consumption, and increasing energy consumption does not allow China to take effective measures to reduce SO2 emissions, let alone transboundary acid rain and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Japan, on the other hand, used to be mainly concerned about transboundary acid rain and provided environmental assistance in support of air pollution control projects, but failed to change China’s attitude. Since the Third Conference of Parties for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a reduction in GHGs has been given a higher policy priority. Japan also requires emerging countries to establish some reduction targets in order that they do not offset the emission reduction activities of Annex I countries. However, rising global concerns over climate change increases expectation that the CDM can be a tool for reducing this disparity and encouraging environmental cooperation. China recognizes that the CDM can be a useful tool for attaining diplomatic and economic goals, and has modified its stance to actively utilize the CDM to maximize its benefit. Japan has become active in finding prominent Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) projects as a cost-effective means to attain the GHG reduction target.
記述: This pdf is non-edited author's draft. Its published version is the following paper: MORI Akihisa, HAYASHI Tadashi <Chapter 1> Transboundary Environmental Pollution and Cooperation between Japan and China: A Historical Review 'CDM and Sustainable Development in China Japanese Perspectives' pp.1-22. Hong Kong University Press (May 2012).
このPDFファイルの論文を草稿として、その後改稿されたものは、次のように書籍掲載論文として出版されています: MORI Akihisa, HAYASHI Tadashi <Chapter 1> Transboundary Environmental Pollution and Cooperation between Japan and China: A Historical Review 'CDM and Sustainable Development in China Japanese Perspectives' pp.1-22. Hong Kong University Press (May 2012).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/254628
関連リンク: https://hkupress.hku.hk/pro/441.php


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