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タイトル: 摩擦面の破壊機構と高摩擦鋼板の開発
その他のタイトル: Fracture Mechanism of Friction and Development of Splice-Plate with High-Friction Coefficient
著者: 井上, 一朗  KAKEN_name
宇野, 暢芳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: INOUE, Kazuo
UNO, Nobuyoshi
発行日: 18-Jun-2001
出版者: traverse編集委員会 (京都大学・建築系教室)
誌名: traverse : kyoto university architectural journal
巻: 2
開始ページ: 69
終了ページ: 79
抄録: For developing high-strength bolted friction joints with much higher friction coefficients than conventional ones, friction mechanisms are studied first and then based on the mechanisms, conditions for realizing high friction coefficients should be clarified. Friction coefficients between steels with different hardness are discussed. Failure modes on the friction surface are examined theoretically and a new friction theory is established. This theory provides that friction coefficients depend on the following factors : shapes and angles of surface projection of the steel with higher hardness, hardness ratio of harder steel to softer one and stress ratio of compression stress on friction surface to tensile strength of softer steel. A friction coefficient of 1.2 becomes possible from the new provided friction theory.
著作権等: © traverse編集委員会 2001
© 2001 Traverse Editorial Committee
DOI: 10.14989/traverse_2_69
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/259492
関連リンク: https://www.traverse-architecture.com/
出現コレクション:Vol. 2


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