List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 38
Bibliography | Contents |
An English Summary of This Issue (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: vii-xv
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks"> Editors' Preface KOSUGI, Yasushi; KURODA, Ayaka (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 1-4
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks">Ijma' in Islamic Law and Islamic Thought: Tradition, Contemporary Relevance, and Prospects IKEHATA, Fukiko; KOSUGI, Yasushi (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 5-29
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks">Normalization with Enemy or Support for Brethren?: The Debate on the Muslims' Visits to the Israeli-occupied Jerusalem YAMAMOTO, Kensuke (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 30-59
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks">Extensive Islamic Legitimation in the Arab Monarchies: Overview of the Double-Edged Sword in Maintaining its Legitimate Veneer WATANABE, Shun (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 60-72
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks">Embodying Islamic Thought through Karate: A Reconsideration of Modern Sports and Indigenization in Iran KURODA, Kenji (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 73-86
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<Special Feature 1 "Islam as a Source of Contemporary Thought: New Advances and Outlooks">Halal Certifi cation as a Modern Application of Shariah Morality: An Analysis of Malaysian Halal Standard KIRIHARA, Midori (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 87-103
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<Special Feature 2 "Inquiry into Coexistence Based on the Idea of‛Asian Islam'">Editor's Note TONAGA, Yasushi (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 104-106
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<Special Feature 2 "Inquiry into Coexistence Based on the Idea of‛Asian Islam'">Islam of Mercy and Compassion TONAGA, Yasushi (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 107-114
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<Special Feature 2 "Inquiry into Coexistence Based on the Idea of‛Asian Islam'">Interreligious Coexistence and the State: The Problem of the Use of the Word Kāfir in Indonesia ARAI, Kazuhiro (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 115-123
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<Special Feature 2 "Inquiry into Coexistence Based on the Idea of‛Asian Islam'">Understanding the Relations between Christians and Bektashis: Interconfessionalism and Supraconfessionalism ZARCONE, Thierry (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 124-137
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<Special Feature 2 "Inquiry into Coexistence Based on the Idea of‛Asian Islam'">After Criticism of Ma Dexin against Veneration of Saints: Rethinking Chinese Elaboration of Islam NAKANISHI, Tatsuya (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 138-161
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<Article>Why the Political Sources from Late Colonial India in the Aqeel Collection should be examined through a 'History of Emotions' Approach Di COSTANZO, Thierry (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 162-178
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<論考>責任の体系としてのシャリーア --イスラーム法源学による法規定の定式化と5範疇への収斂の構造-- 小杉, 泰 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 179-208
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<論考>オスマン朝期スーフィズム思想に見られる円環に関する考察 --ニヤーズィー・ムスリーの『デヴリーイェ論考』を中心に-- 真殿, 琴子 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 209-227
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<論考>欧州難民危機以降の国民国家体制のレジリエンス --西欧諸国におけるシリア難民に対する移民・難民政策のゆらぎ-- 望月, 葵 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 228-244
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<研究創案ノート>クライエンテリズムと抗議運動 --レバノンにおける2019年「10月革命」-- 岡部, 友樹 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 245-271
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<研究創案ノート>15‒16世紀モロッコにおけるスーフィーの系譜 --伝記集の記述から-- 棚橋, 由賀里 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 272-282
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<研究創案ノート>アシュラフ・アリー・ターナヴィーのスーフィズム理解 --倫理・修行実践・形而上学の知識階梯-- 本間, 流星 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 283-306
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<研究動向・研究レビュー>現代サラフィー主義研究の課題と展望 米田, 優作 (2021-03-19) イスラーム世界研究, 14: 307-318
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 38