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タイトル: Project 8 Development on Neutron Imaging Application (R2P8)
著者: Saito, Y.
発行日: Aug-2021
出版者: Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
誌名: KURNS Progress Report
巻: 2020
開始ページ: 51
終了ページ: 63
目次: PR8-1 Measurements of multiphase flow dynamics using neutron radiography /Y. Saito et al. (R2P8-1) [53]
PR8-2 Void Fraction Measurement of Refrigerant Two-Phase Flows in Cross-Flow Parallel Mini-Channel Evaporator /H. Asano et al. (R2P8-2) [54]
PR8-3 Visualization of Transient Change of Refrigerant Distribution in Activated Carbon Particle Layer /H. Asano et al. (R2P8-3) [55]
PR8-4 Neutron radiography measurements of the mixing behavior of reactant streams during hydrothermal synthesis /S. Takami et al. (R2P8-4) [56]
PR8-5 Quantatively Visualization of a Microchannel Heat Exchanger under Non-uniformly Heated Condition /H. Umekawa et al. (R2P8-5) [57]
PR8-6 Frost Deposition Distribution Estimated by X-ray and Neutron Cooperative Imaging /R. Matsumoto et al. (R2P8-6) [58]
PR8-7 Analysis of vapor pressure in fire spalling of high-strength concrete /Y. Nishio et al. (R2P8-8) [59]
PR8-8 Measurement of coolant inside a flat laminate vapor chamber in the vertical posture with Neutron Radiography /K. Mizuta et al. (R2P8-9) [60]
PR8-9 Quantitative Study of the Image Quality for Neutron Imaging /M. Kitaguchi et al. (R2P8-10) [61]
PR8-10 Dynamic Visualization of Hydrogen Accumulation Behavior in Metallic Materials via Neutron Imaging /K. Shimizu et al. (R2P8-13) [62]
PR8-11 In-situ Lithium diffusion behavior in NASICON-Type Structured Lithium Ion Conductive Composite by Means of Neutron Radiography /S. Takai et al. (R2P8-14)) [63]
記述: In case that corrections are made, an errata will be provided in the following webpage: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/264989
関連リンク: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html


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