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タイトル: Lévy Processes on Quantum Hypergroups
著者: Franz, Uwe
Schürmann, Michael
発行日: 2000
出版者: Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
誌名: Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis : transactions of a Japanese-German Symposium, held from September 20th to 24th, 1999, at the University of Kyoto
開始ページ: 93
終了ページ: 114
抄録: Quantum hypergroups are non-commutative versions of hypergroups and were introduced by Yu.A. Chapovsky and L.I. Vainerman. Assuming that the quantum hypergroup satisfies a certain positivity condition (Schoenberg's correspondence), we show that Lévy processes, like in the quantum group case, are given by solutions of quantum stochastic differential equations in the sense of R.L. Hudson and K.R. Parthasarathy. We prove that quantum hypergroups of double coset type satisfy Schoenberg's correspondence. As an example we discuss the quantum hypergroup U<2>//U<1> with U<n> the non-commutative analogue of the coefficient algebra of the unitary group.
記述: This is the proceedings of the 2nd Japanese-German Symposium on Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis held from September 20th to September 24th 1999 at the Department of Mathematics of Kyoto University.
この論文集は, 1999年9月20日から9月24日の日程で京都大学理学研究科数学教室において開催された第2回日独セミナー「無限次元調和解祈」の成果をもとに編集されたものである.
Editors: Herbert Heyer, Takeshi Hirai, Nobuaki Obata #en
編集 : ハーバート・ハイヤー, 平井 武, 尾畑 信明
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/265798
出現コレクション:Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis(無限次元の調和解析)


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