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タイトル: 高麗前期王師任命と國際情勢
その他のタイトル: Appointment of the Royal Preceptor in the Early Goryeo Period and Its Relation to the International Situation
著者: 中村, 慎之介  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NAKAMURA, Shin'nosuke
キーワード: 高麗
発行日: 30-Dec-2018
出版者: 東洋史研究会
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 77
号: 3
開始ページ: 365
終了ページ: 402
抄録: This paper focuses on the life of Jijong 智宗, who was active during the period extending from the reign of King Gwangjong 光宗 (r. 949-975) to that of King Hyeonjong 顯宗 (r. 1009-1031), as well as on relations between Buddhism and Goryeo's politics. The first section surveys the life of Jijong based of the primary historical source “Stelae Inscription of Jijong” 智宗碑文 and clarifies some aspects of the interactions between Buddhists in China and Goryeo at that time by analyzing biographies of his monastic teachers and his contemporaries. Since there were certain correlations between Goryeo's diplomatic relations and the appointment of the royal preceptor 王師 are clarified in this paper, it is also essential to consider the international situation in which Goryeo was placed at that time. The second section elucidates the relationship between diplomacy and Buddhism in Goryeo during the period from the reign of King Gwangjong 光宗 (r. 949-975) to that of King Mokjong 穆宗 (r. 997-1009). King Gwangjong recognized the political supremacy of the Later Zhou and the Northern Song dynasties and tried to centralize power in Goryeo by the means of stable international relations. This situation changed after the invasion of the Khitans, when King Seongjong 成宗 (r. 981-997) was in power. Goryeo, forced to yield to Khitan power, recognized the supremacy of the Khitans instead of the Northern Song. This section also contains information about the activity of Jijong and his participation in international relations of Goryeo. The third section provides an overview of diplomacy and Buddhism in Goryeo from the appointment of Jijong as royal preceptor until his death. After complex diplomatic negotiations, Goryeo shifted its subordinate status from the Northern Song to the Khitans. Jijong was the last royal preceptor, who came from the Seon school 禪宗. For about 80 years following Jijong, royal preceptors were representatives of the Hwaǒm school 華嚴宗 and the Beopsang school 法相宗. This paper traces the political and diplomatic history of Goryeo until the end of military struggle with the Khitans and the appointment of Beobgyeong 法鏡 as royal preceptor and presents correlations between Goryeo's diplomatic policies and role of Buddhists within them.
DOI: 10.14989/267198
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/267198


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