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タイトル: Higher-Order Asymptotic Properties of Kernel Density Estimator with Plug-In Bandwidth
著者: Imai, Shunsuke
Nishiyama, Yoshihiko
キーワード: C14
nonparametric statistics
kernel density estimator
plug-in bandwidth
Edgeworth expansion
発行日: Mar-2022
出版者: Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
誌名: KIER Discussion Paper
巻: 1076
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 37
抄録: This study investigates the effect of bandwidth selection via plug-in method on the asymptotic structure of the nonparametric kernel density estimator. We find that the plug-in method has no effect on the asymptotic structure of the estimator up to the order of O{(nh₀)⁻¹/²} = O(n[-L/(2L+1)]) for a bandwidth h0 and any kernel order L. We also provide the valid Edgeworth expansion up to the order of O{(nh₀)⁻¹} and find that the plug-in method starts to have an effect from on the term whose convergence rate is O{(nh₀)⁻¹/²h₀} = O(n[−(L+1)/(2L+1)]). In other words, we derive the exact convergence rate of the deviation between the distribution functions of the estimator with a deterministic bandwidth and with the plug-in bandwidth. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to see whether our approximation improves previous results.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/269669
関連リンク: https://www.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/publication/?cat=en
出現コレクション:KIER Discussion Paper (英文版)


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