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タイトル: 台風経路アンサンブルシミュレーションを用いた日本の沿岸における高波リスクの算出
その他のタイトル: Calculating the Risk of Significant Wave Height along the Coast of Japan based on Typhoon Track-Ensenble Simulations
著者: 鈴木, 創太  KAKEN_name
筆保, 弘徳  KAKEN_name
高野, 洋雄  KAKEN_name
竹見, 哲也  KAKEN_name
清原, 康友  KAKEN_name
大滝, 寿一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SUZUKI, Souta
FUDEYASU, Hironori
KOHNO, Nadao
TAKEMI, Tetsuya
KIYOHARA, Yasutomo
OTAKI, Toshikazu
発行日: 2022
出版者: 宮本 佳明
誌名: 台風予報と防災情報に関する研究集会
論文番号: 共同研究(一般研究集会)2021K-06
抄録: The maximum waves caused by Typhoons Vera (1959) and Trami (2018) were examined using a JMA wave model, and by simulations based on a meteorological model. The typhoon track ensemble simulation demonstrated that the maximum wave was dependent on perturbation of the typhoon track along the entire coast of the Japanese islands. Although these values may differ for other typhoons and sampling points, it is important to estimate the maximum waves and worst-case courses at all coastal areas because this will provide important information enabling effective disaster prevention and risk management.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/278019


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