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Title: Effect of Free Surface on the Yielding Resistance of Materials
Authors: NISHIHARA, Toshio
TAIRA, Shūji
Issue Date: 20-Jan-1950
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Start page: 90
End page: 118
Abstract: In the present paper the authors pointed out the necessity of seeing the metals as the inherent figure, an aggregation of crystal grains, when they are deformed plastically. Although other factors affecting the yielding resistance of polycrystalline metals, it may be considered the mutual restriction is here thought to play an important role. As, at present, no theory is found connecting yielding resistance of single crystals to that of polycrystalline metals, the authors' view discussed would be recommended, untill a far better theory is developed.
Appears in Collections:Vol.12 No.2

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