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Title: Effect of Strain Rate on the Piastic Deformation in Aluminium Single Crystals
Authors: NISHIMURA, Hideo
TAKAMURA, Jin-ichi
Issue Date: 31-Jan-1951
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 20
Abstract: A survey of the fine structures of slip bands in the electrolytically polished aluminium single crystals which were subjected to the extension of various loading rates was made by electron-microscope and X-ray. The results obtained were as follows; (1) The specimen subjected to a slow rate of strain generally shows the wider slip bands, the wider spacings between slip bands and the larger number of sets of the active gliding planes than the specimen subjected to a rapid strain rate. (2) The slowly deformed specimen generally gives rise to pronounced X-ray asterism and remarkable plastic flow in the surface layer than the rapidly deformed specimen. (3) Submicroscopic slips take place within the regions between the obvious slip bands. (4) The slopes of the surface of the test specimen produced during plastic deformation were determined by the stereographic analyses of the electron-micrographs. (5) Effect of the notch line of the surface on the behavior of the slip bands was observed.
Description: This paper was read on April 2nd, 1950 at the Spring Meeting of the Institute of Metals of Japan.
Appears in Collections:Vol.13 No.1

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