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Title: Heat Transfer by Natural Convection in Laminar Boundary Layer on Vertical Flat Wall
Authors: SUGAWARA, Sugao
Issue Date: 10-Nov-1951
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Start page: 149
End page: 161
Abstract: In this paper, we have studied theoretically the heat transfer by laminar natural convection from a bot vertical flat wall to the surrounding fluid. This problem has already been theoretically studied by Pohlhausen, but his method is very troublesome and since he uses Schmidt and Beckmann's experimental results for air, Pohlhausen's solution is not applicable to other kinds of fluids except air. We have analysed this problem for gas and liquid by means of three different approximate methods, and compared each result with the other.
Appears in Collections:Vol.13 No.4

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