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Title: An Investigation on the Titanium-Iron-Carbon System
Authors: MURAKAMI, Yōtarō
KIMURA, Hirozō
Issue Date: 30-Sep-1957
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 19
Issue: 3
Start page: 302
End page: 324
Abstract: The solid solubility ranges in the two intermetallic compounds, TiFe and TiFe₂, of the titanium-iron binary system and phase relationships of the titanium-iron-carbon system were studied by microscopic examination, melting point determination, and X-ray analysis. The solid solubility ranges of TiFe phase and TiFe₂ phase were from 52 wt% to 54 wt% of iron at 1080°C and 69 wt% to 77 wt% of iron at 1200°C respectively. In the titanium-iron-carbon system, there exist the following solid phases : α-Ti, β-Ti, Graphite, δ-phase, TiFe, TiFe₂, α-Fe and γ-Fe, but no ternary compound is detected. There exist two quasi-binary eutectic reactions as L⇄(δ)+TiFe₂ and L⇄(δ)+Fe in this ternary system and, consequently, equilibrium relationships in this system are divided into three independent parts of TiC-Fe-C, TiC-Fe-TiFe₂ and TiC-TiFe₂-Ti as shown in Table 5, 6 and 7. The schematic equilibrium diagram for this system is given in Fig. 17.
Appears in Collections:Vol.19 No.3

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