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Title: Effect of Liquid- and Gas-Mixing on the Rate of Mass Transfer between Two Phases in Crosscurrent Flow
Authors: EGUCHI, Wataru
HARADA, Makoto
NAGATA, Shinji
Issue Date: 31-Aug-1960
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
Start page: 326
End page: 342
Abstract: The theoretical correlations have been derived by the authors for the concentration gradients in the froth layer on a sieve or bubble-cap plate, based on the assumption that the flow velocities of the gas and liquid in each direction are constant throughout the froth layer. The degree of liquid- and gas-mixing was experessed by the backmixing diffusion. Point efficiency varies with change in the number of transfer units and with the degree of gas-mixing. The liquid-mixing has no effect on the point efficiency. Plate efficiency is affected by both the liquid- and gas-mixing. The effect of the liquid-mixing is more marked than that of gas-mixing.
Appears in Collections:Vol.22 Part 3

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