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Title: Improvement of the Non-Stationary Response by the Introduction of a Non-Linear Element of Zero-Memory Type
Authors: SAWARAGI, Yoshikazu
SUNAHARA, Yoshifumi
NAKAMIZO, Takayoshi
Issue Date: 20-Sep-1963
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
Start page: 153
End page: 163
Abstract: A method of improving the response of control systems subjected to suddenly applied random inputs by introducing a non-linear element is presented. The technique described here is based on the concept of non-stationary equivalent linearization. The description begins with the calculation of optimum equivalent gain to minimize the mean squared error. From this result, the principal line of attack is to determine the introduced non-linear characteristic and to evaluate how much better it can be expected to perform than its linear counterpart. It is also shown that an intentional non-linear control system gives a considerable reduction of mean squared error. Detailed aspects of the numerical procedure are illustrated by a typical example.
Appears in Collections:Vol.25 Part 2

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