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Title: Aging Characteristics and Effects of Plastic Deformation on Precipitation in Al-4% Cu and Al-20% Ag Alloys with or without Trace Elements
Authors: MURAKAMI, Yotaro
TAMURA, Hideaki
Issue Date: 16-Mar-1964
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Start page: 34
End page: 68
Abstract: The experiments have been carried out to examine the effects of plastic deformation and addition of small amounts of third elements on the aging process in Al-4%Cu and Al-20%Ag alloys by the X-ray Laue method, micro-hardness measurements, transmission electron microscopic studies and resistivity measurements. In binary Al-4% Cu alloys, the plastic deformation immediately after quenching retards the growth of G.P. (1) and G.P. (2), and accelerates the nucleation of the θ′ phase. In Al-20% Ag alloys, similar results are obtained. In undeformed ternary Al-Cu alloy, the retarding effects of third elements on aging become stronger in the order Be<Ti<Zr. In Al-Cu-Zr alloys, the plastic deformation much accelerates the growth of G.P. (1). The role of excess vacancies on aging and the interaction between dislocation and precipitates are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Vol.26 Part 1

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