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Title: On the Absolute Stability of Automatic Control System with Many Nonlinear Characteristics
Authors: TOKUMARU, Hidekatsu
SAITO, Norihiko
Issue Date: 31-Aug-1965
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 27
Issue: 3
Start page: 347
End page: 379
Abstract: Many authors, mainly in the Soviet, have discussed the absolute stability of the automatic control system with one nonlinear element. In practical problems, however, we sometimes encounter the control system with many nonlinear elements. In this paper the absolute stability of the automatic control system with many nonlinear elements is discussed. The discussions are based on the methods : 1. Lyapunov's direct method. 2. Popov's method. The relations between the results obtained by means of these two methods are also described.
Appears in Collections:Vol.27 Part 3

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