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Title: Measurements of High-Energy Gamma Rays by an Organic Liquid Scintillator
Authors: SHIN, Kazuo
HAYASHIDA, Yoshihisa
HYODO, Tomonori
Issue Date: 31-Oct-1976
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 38
Issue: 3
Start page: 149
End page: 157
Abstract: An application of an organic liquid scintillator NE-213 to a gamma-ray spectroscopy was studied. Use of a 2-dimension pulse-height analyzer made it easier to separate gamma-ray pulses and neutron pulses. The differential method was used for the unfolding of pulse-height distributions to energy spectra. The response functions and unfolded spectra of ¹³⁷Cs and ⁶⁰Co gamma rays, ⁹Be(α, n)¹²C, ¹⁹F(p, α)¹⁶O and ⁹Be(p, γ)¹⁰B reaction gamma rays are shown. The unfolded spectra of reactor gamma rays and those transmitted through an iron barrier of 15 cm in thickness are shown.
Appears in Collections:Vol.38 Part 3

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