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Title: Stability of D. C. Arc Welding System
Authors: UKITA, Isamu
Issue Date: 25-Jul-1977
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 39
Issue: 2
Start page: 215
End page: 224
Abstract: This paper deals with the stability of the D. C. arc welding system in which the electrode wire is fed with a constant speed. The system under consideration is described by nonlinear differential equations. The solutions of the equations are studied for various values of system parameters. The stability of solutions is investigated by considering the behavior of small variations from the steady solutions. From the analytical results, it may be inferred that the arc length is readily held almost constant by making use of a constant voltage power source, even if the feeding speed varies. It is useful, to some extent, to utilize the phaseplane analysis in investigating the transient states of arc. The methods of analysis presented in this paper may also be applicable to other welding systems which are described by differential equations of a like form.
Appears in Collections:Vol.39 Part 2

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